Sunday, March 4, 2012

Types and Parts of Boats

Boats come in many styles and shapes, but the names of the different parts are the same. These are the most important terms. 

Recreational Boat / Motor Boat 

Front view:

  • Beam - Maximum width of a vessel
  • Freeboard: Distance from water to lowest point of the boat where water could come on board
  • Draft: Depth of water needed to float a vessel
  • Propeller: Rotates and powers a boat forward or backward
  • Keel: Main centerline (backbone) of a vessel or the extension of hull that increases stability in the water  

    *******************  Other terms you should know. *****************  
      tug - Visual Dictionary Online

    Tug Boat       

    Sail boat                

    Passenger Liner / Cruise Shippassenger liner [1] - Visual Dictionary Online

    Mercantile ship / Container ship 

                                                   Fishing boat  /   

    Rubber Dinghy                                                                                               Ferry Boat

    hydrofoil boat - Visual Dictionary Online
     Main Types of Boats
    Barge = chiatta
    Canoe = canoa
    Catamaran = catamarano
    Cruise ship = nave da crociera
    Ferry = traghetto
    Fishing boat = barca da pesca
    Hydrofoil = aliscafo
    Lifeboat = scialuppa di salvataggio
    Mercantile ship = nave mercantile
    Patrol boat = motovedetta
    Recreational / pleasure boat = barca di diporto
    Row boat = barca a remi
    Rubber dinghy = gommone
    Sailboat = barca a vela
    Trawler (fishing boat with net) = peschereccio (per la pesca a strascico)
    Tugboat = rimorchiatore

    Parts of a Boat/Ship

    All-round white light = luce di coronamento (a poppa)
    Beam = larghezza/lunghezza fuori tutto
    Bearing = mozzo meccanico
    Bilge = sentina
    Bitt / Bollard = bitta (grandi barche: dove si attacca la cima)
    Bow = prua (davanti / forward)
    Bulkhead = paratia
    Cleat = galloccia (piccole barche: dove si attacca la cima)
    Deck = ponte
    Draft / underwater body = pescaggio /opera viva
    Freeboard / top side = bordo libero / parte superiore /opera morta
    Gunwale = capo di banda (bordino superiore della murata)
    Hold = stiva
    Hull = scafo
    Keel = chiglia
    Mooring = ormeggio (posto)
    Moorings = ormeggi (cime)
    Outboard motor = motore fuori bordo
    Port = sinistra (parte sinistra della nave)
    Propeller = elica propulsore
    Propeller shaft = asse dell’elica o albero ruotante
    Red and green lights = luci di via
    Rudder = timone
    Rudder blade = pala del timone
    Rudder shaft = asse del timone
    Seacock = presa a mare
    Shaft seal = sigillo fra la pala e l’asse del timone
    Starboard = dritta (parte destra della nave)
    Steering quadrant = quadrante dello sterzo
    Stern = poppa (dietro / aft)
    Strut = braccio
    Transom = specchio di poppa
    Waterline = linea di galleggiamento
    Wheel / helm  = ruota del timone

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