Sunday, March 14, 2010

Transport Documents

To see various transport documents, and to practice filling some in, go to the downloads page.

For information from the European Commission on the 
                                                               Single Administration Document (SAD)

Marking symbols for shipped goods.


Anonymous said...

Dear Cheng,

Please find to attach the following documents: delivery note N° 70007108, packaging list and shipping order.

Our forwarder has just picked up the goods from our warehouse. The goods should be at your disposal on Monday 31 October 2009.

Please notice a copy oh the batch certificate will be send to you as soon as possible by email.
As soon as we receive the original batch certificate, we will send it to you.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Barbara Tagliabracci
Logistics Manager

Anonymous said...

Dear teacher, I checked my mailbox, but any message from your blog appears.
Probably to be a follower don't active any message function in our post..
..and happy Easter!

Prof O said...

Dear Carla,
You don't receive any messages when the blog is updated? I have added other documents that you can study and use for practice.
I used to receive notices from my other blogs when people made comments, but now I don't. Maybe it needs to be requested.
See you later.